
ZEG H1 – CCB Energy Park

ZEG clean hydrogen pilot plant with integrated carbon capture

Project name
Kollsnes, Norway
H2 Production / CCB Energy

ZEG clean hydrogen pilot plant with integrated carbon capture

Located at CCB Energy Park at Kollsnes on the Norwegian west coast, the ZEG H1 is a pilot plant for the production of clean hydrogen with integrated carbon capture. The journey to develop the ZEG technology has spanned 23+ years of research and development by leading experts, supported by private investors and public grants, from early-stage to prototyping and piloting.

Located in close proximity of the Northern Lights CO2 storage facility, owner H2 Production aims to provide captured CO2 for permanent subsea storage.

From an energy perspective, Norway holds a strategic position in Europe, and the ZEG technology has the potential to offer Europe clean hydrogen derived from Norwegian gas, making it a significant opportunity. Analysis performed by third party DNV shows that the hydrogen produced by the ZEG ICC technology can be supplied with an emission intensity well below the EU taxonomy threshold of 3 kg CO2e / kg.  By efficiently producing H2 and simultaneously capturing nearly all the associated CO2 generated in the process, the ZEG technology has the potential to become a significant contributor towards the EUs climate amibitons.

Frederic Hauge

Founder of the Bellona Foundation

Bellona is delighted to see ZEG and H2 Production open the first plant in Øygarden for hydrogen production from natural gas with integrated CO2 capture. Bellona believes this is a sensible use of fossil energy and crucial if hydrogen is to be part of the green shift. The ZEG H1 plant in CCB Energy Park is a technological breakthrough and a significant achievement in the quest for a greener and more sustainable future.

A significant milestone – further upscaling underway

In the execution of the ZEG H1 project, ZETON in the Netherlands was engaged by the project to perform detailed engineering, procurement and construction of the plant. Through ZETON’s deep value engineering competency and experience, they have proven to be a key partner for ZEG in a critical 30x scaleup from the prototype to the ZEG H1 plant.

The delivery and operation of ZEG H1 is an important milestone for ZEG, showcasing the innovative technology and its potential. To meet our vision of empowering the world with clean energy, the ZEG technology and plant products needs to be further scaled up.

A unique location for clean hydrogen production

Several factors makes Kollsnes a highly unique location for clean hydrogen production from the ZEG H1 plant

  • Close proximity to the Kollsnes natural gas terminal receiving natural gas directly from the North Sea
  • The Northern Lights facility is located 800m from the plant – where CO2 can be transported for permanent storage in reservoirs
  • Kollsnes is one of few available locations for the proposed hydrogen pipeline from Norway to continental Europe
  • Close proximity to quay for seaborn transport and the main maritime route in the area
  • Bergen public harbor will relocate to the area in the future – creating a transport hub for future hydrogen users


ZEG H1 – Kollsnes

Official opening of the ZEG H1 in October 2023

H2 Production and ZEG proudly announced the opening of the ZEG H1 at CCB Energy Park in October 2023, making it the world’s first pilot plant for low-carbon hydrogen production with integrated carbon capture.

Read the full press release from the opening of ZEG H1

ZEG H1 was officially opened by Frederic Hauge, founder of Bellona

About H2 Production

H2 Production, a wholly owned subsidiary of CCB Energy, operates at the Energy Park in Øygarden, Norway. H2P is the owner and operator of hydrogen production with carbon capture. The parent company, CCB Energy, actively works to develop industrial parks with a clear climate profile, encompassing everything from carbon capture and handling to participation in value chains involving hydrogen as an energy carrier. The owners of CCB Energy and H2P include Bernh Larsen Holding and Norsea Industrial Holding, owners who have demonstrated an active role in environmental matters.

Read more about H2 Production and CCB Energy 

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